Friday, February 27, 2015


I wrote this on February 4th but am now posting it. Unfortunately the sorrow and brutalities continue....

Today I read an article about an Egyptian woman who was brutally killed as she went to mourn the dead at Tahrir Square. All she wanted to do was to show her respect and mourn the dead. Words cannot describe what my heart feels. A travesty? A tragedy? Horror? I don’t know what words can be adequate for the pain in my heart. I do not know who she is personally but at the same time I feel like she is my sister. She is a human being, and that is enough for me to mourn her senseless death. That is enough for my heart to break at the thoughtless extinguishing of her life. That is enough for tears to be shed for one lovely life that is no longer in this world. That is enough.

And the greater tragedy is that she was not the only one to be senselessly killed since the beginning of 2015. Recently we have seen the end of life for the Jordanian pilot and the Japanese reporter, among numerous others. There are also those who remain unnamed in Nigeria, massacred at the hands of Boko Haram. If the year is to begin with the cruel bloodshed of my fellow human beings - my brothers and my sisters for all intents and purposes - what do we look forward to? What do we say to our children who see such images of hate? What do we have to say for us as human beings living in the 21st century as we brutally end other peoples’ lives?