Friday, February 15, 2008


Somalia - another country in Africa that is in crisis.... More specifically, its people are in crisis. We have been hearing stories in the news about Kenya, Uganda, Chad, and various other countries as they have been in the news on and off. But I do not recall seeing Somalia in the news.

BBC's article titled it the "forgotten crisis" and you can see the article here. According to this article, the crisis in Somalia appears to be dire and at the core of that situation are the children - the most vulnerable when conflicts arise. 15000 children's lives are at risk if emergency aid does not arrive in the next 2 weeks; people are suffering from lack of sanitary water supplies; and 60% of the population has fled the capital city of Mogadishu. UNICEF declares it to be the worst place for children when all indicators are taken into consideration.

Here's a photo essay - a glimpse into the life of people in Somalia - from the International Rescue Committee.

And here are some more stories on the situation in Somalia:

IRIN Africa: One woman's story

IRIN Africa: The Plight of Internally Displaced Persons

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