I've been away from the blogger for a while, and albeit a day late for Women's Day, I'm back to posting (hopefully on a more regular basis this year).
Yesterday was the 100th International Women's Day, a day that started in 1908 on March 8th in Germany. International Women's Day (IWD) has a long history of political and social awareness connotations, thanks to the various struggles in Europe against sexual discrimination in the work and political arena in attempts to achieve equality in a continually industrializing "man's" world. In 1977, March 8th was proclaimed as the UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.
Most of us probably don't think about it, particularly if we live in a westernized society, but women still live in difficult conditions all over the world. From the very poor in nations abroad to those very women who live in our communities, women are not always given the value they deserve or treated as they should be. I mean, I've encountered that treatment as a woman myself. It's not as drastic as women who live in extreme poverty or are displaced by war and disaster; those women face horrible situations that make mine look tolerable. But in fact, I think that any act based on the perception that women may be a less powerful, less strong gender, and therefore less significant, should be an outrage. We should treat each other with respect, regardless of gender or anything else for that matter. In order for respect to be garnered, respect should be given. I believe that begins with us as the individual - it is our initiative to begin the cycle of respect and break the cycle of disrespect, discrimination, and violence. And I think this initiative begins with awareness - awareness of the condition of our fellow women around the world, awareness of what they still endure, despite the advent of the 21st century....
I know IWD has passed, but I hope we are able to remember that women are an important part of society and should be treated with the care that we would want bestowed upon our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters...all year long....
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